Are you interested in helping?

We all have an opportunity to help our community by working with the Callaway Ambulance District.  Please contact Kelli Drennan to set up training for “Stop the Bleed” and make donations through Rotary for the bleeding control kits they are trying to put in every classroom in our county.  Cost for one kit is $44.16 and if you would love to sponsor a class, please let them know when you make your donation.  It is a tax deductible gift that could help save lives. Scan0005,

This link has information on both programs through the Ambulance District.  We are challenging every parent, grandparent or loved one to sponsor their child’s class room with one of the kits and make the schools in Callaway a safer place for all children.  After the schools are taken care of, we need to think of other places (Churches, daycares, other areas that are vulnerable.

Thanks for being the heart of our county and helping out.

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